Content containing obscene, profane, or offensive language.Published content must not promote hatred or incite violence against individuals or groups based on ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Harassing, bullying, or hateful content.Display offensive or inappropriate content:.Examples of content not allowed include, "Everything on sale, -50%" and "Best bagels in town for $5!" Focus on special promotions, prices, and offer sales.Display low-quality, irrelevant, or distracting content. For example, misspellings, gimmicky character use, gibberish, etc.Do not provide inaccurate or false information about your business or the services and products offered. Refer to our overall Guidelines for representing your business on Google.Ĭontent published in this field should not: Content that's irrelevant to your business or has no clear association with it isn't allowed. You should be upfront and honest about the information provided, focusing on content that's relevant and useful to your customers to understand your business. Use the business description field to provide useful information on services and products offered, as well as the mission and history of your business. We also do not allow solicitation of the above information through local posts or a business description other than the user's own name, email, and phone number. Important: We do not allow content that contains private or confidential information such as personal financial information, government-issued IDs, contact information linked or associated with a name, sensitive records, images, transcripts or links that contain personal information. Published content should highlight what makes your business unique. Learn content guidelines for Business Profiles
Learn how to transfer ownership.įailure to adhere to these policies may result in a suspension for the Business Profile and/or Google Account. Authorized representatives must, whenever possible, encourage the business owner to create an account, own the Business Profile, and add authorized representatives as managers.
Any individual or company that manages business information for a Business Profile that they don’t own is considered an authorized representative.